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CONTINUING EDUCATION INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES ARE HERE! As a provider of continuing education for counselors, social workers, and psychologists, we recognize the growing need for interesting and educational independent study courses. Today's busy professionals don't always have the time to attend all-day workshops. Especially in rural areas, independent study courses offer the opportunity to learn without the added time and expense of traveling to nearby cities. We now offer independent study courses--approved for CE credit--on a variety of mental health issues. In keeping with our tradition of offering quality education in child and family therapy, you will find courses on topics such as:
HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS 1. After you register, we send you the book and a test. It takes a week or less to get the materials after the time we receive your order, but if you are under a deadline, we can expedite the process, even faxing exams upon request. Do you already own the book? Then you pay the lesser price and we only send the test. 2. The test is objective, usually multiple choice, sometimes fill-in or true-false. The number of questions is proportional to the length of the book and the number of credits. 3. If you fail, we give you feedback on the areas of the text where you were weak and encourage you to improve those areas and take the test again. 4. Tests are graded within 3 business days of receipt in our office, and you should receive your results via US mail approximately one week later. A passing grade is 80%. We will fax results upon written request when you submit your exam. For the most rapid turn-around time, exams may be submitted and results returned by fax. 5. We date your certificate as of the business day we receive your test. 6. Tests may be submitted within 18 months of the invoice date. All course registrations expire 18 months from the invoice/registration date. Customers submitting any exam after 18 months will be required to pay a flat re-registration fee in order to receive their CE credit. 7. No exam may be submitted for credit more than once unless the source material has been updated to a new edition which we have incorporated into our program. Please ask if you intend to register for an updated course so we may verify your eligibility for credit.
ADDRESSING CULTURAL COMPLEXITIES IN PRACTICE: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Therapy. Pamela Hays. 2008. 2nd Edition. American Psychological Association Press. Pamela Hays has accomplished a way of simultaneously emphasizing the complexities of multicultural lives while simplifying the process of understanding these layered and integrated experiences. She teaches the reader how to approach and understand the braid of the cultures of diversity of age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nativity, spiritual tradition, and generation with an approach that is accessible, inspiring, human, practical, and achievable. 223 pp. 10 CE Credits. Cost with book: $110.00. Cost of test only: $65.00. Sample Table of Contents:
BUILDING THE BONDS OF ATTACHMENT: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled Children. 2nd Edition. Daniel A. Hughes (2006). Jason Aronson Publishers. Building the Bonds of Attachment is the second edition of a critically and professionally acclaimed book for social workers, therapists, and parents who strive to assist poorly attached children. This work is a narrative, composite case study of the developmental course of one child following years of abuse and neglect. Demonstrating both the specialized psychotherapy and parenting that are often necessary in facilitating a child's psychological development and attachment security, this updated study blends attachment theory, research, and trauma theory with general principles of parenting and family therapy to develop a solid model for intervention. 289 pp. 10 CE credits. Cost with book: $100.00. Cost of test only: $80.00 ATTACHMENT, TRAUMA, AND HEALING: Understanding and Treating Attachment Disorder in Children and Families. Terry Levy & Michael Orlans (1998). Child Welfare League of America. Attachment, Trauma and Healing examines the causes of attachment disorder, and provides in-depth discussion of effective solutions; including attachment-focused assessment and diagnosis, specialized training and education for caregivers, the controversial "in-arms" treatment for children and caregivers, and early intervention and prevention programs for high-risk families. 315 pp. 15 CE credits. Cost with book: $100.00. Cost of test only: $80.00 TREATING YOUTH WHO SEXUALLY ABUSE: An Integrated Multi-Component Approach. Paul Lundrigan (2001). Haworth Press. Beginning with a broad view of the continuum of programs available and the structure of the service delivery system that provides treatment, Treating Youth Who Sexually Abuse continues with specifics of program policy and design in both outpatient and inpatient settings. From choice of client to aftercare, this book covers the specifics of pretreatment, various modalities of therapy, inpatient and outpatient programs, and relapse-prevention programs. With case studies, diagnostic criteria, helpful tables and diagrams, listings of organizations in the field, and Web addresses, this book provides a concise, easy-to-follow blueprint for treatment. 306 pp. 15 CE credits. Cost with book: $80.00. Cost of test only: $60.00 CHILD MALTREATMENT RISK ASSESSMENTS: An Evaluation Guide. Sue Righthand, Bruce Kerr, & Kerry Drach (2003). Haworth Press. Client Maltreatment Risk Assessments is a professional practice manual designed to assist clinicians in conducting forensic risk assessment in child maltreatment cases. The authors present up-to-date research findings and provide practical, fact-based information on key issues. This book is a highly useful reference source on procedural issues, treatment options, and risk management strategies necessary for high-quality, ethical evaluations. 216 pp. 8 CE credits. Cost with book: $90.00. Cost of test only: $60.00. PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA AND THE DEVELOPING BRAIN: Neurologically-Based Interventions for Troubled Children. Phyllis Stien & Joshua Kendall (2004). Haworth Press. This book forms a compelling body of research that forges deep connections between early relational trauma, disturbances of attachment in infancy, altered brain development, and the creation of a personality predisposed to significant enduring deficits in regulating emotion, processing cognition, and maintaining human relationships. Skillfully weaving together studies in developmental psychobiology and well-sketched portraits of children who have experienced abuse, the authors address head-on one of the most important and disturbing problems facing American culture today; the enduring negative impact of attachment trauma on the brains, minds, and bodies of a disturbingly larger number of adults. 270 pp. 10 CE credits. Cost with book: $90.00. Cost of test only: $60.00. ON TRANSITIONS FROM GROUP CARE: Homeward Bound. Richard Epstein & D. Patrick Zimmerman (2002). Haworth Press. The editors of On Transitions From Group Care are devoted to helping answer the question of how providers of residential treatment services can improve the transition process when children in their care are transferred to less restrictive situations. Chapters focus on the challenges of this process when working with sexually aggressive youth, adolescents with behavioral or conduct disorders, and the families of young people in residential care facilities. The reader will learn about model transitional living programs, ways to integrate family work into residential care, and programs that focus on social/life-skills training. 80 pp. 5 CE credits. Cost with book: $65.00. Cost of test only: $45.00. HANDBOOK FOR THE TREATMENT OF ABUSED AND NEGLECTED CHILDREN. P. Forrest Talley (2005). Haworth Press. This unique handbook highlights major areas of practice as they apply to maltreated children: medical findings; clinical assessment; individual, group, and family therapy; testifying in court; and the role of medication. This book pus the information into context, with a 'big picture' overview of how the therapist fits into the larger system into which the child has been swept up; Child Protective Services, legal proceedings, medical issues, disputes regarding custody, etc. 494 pp. 20 CE credits. Cost with book: $95.00. Cost of test only: $70.00. RECOGNIZING AND MANAGING CHILDREN WITH FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME/FETAL ALCOHOL EFFECTS: A Guidebook. Brenda McCreight (1997). Child Welfare League. This important guide offers practical advice and solid information on dealing with FAS/E's lifelong effects on behavior and learning. It covers the historical, medical, and social aspects of FAS/E, and details common behavioral characteristics associated with the condition. Taking a developmental approach, the guide offers specific behavioral management techniques to be used with children with FAS/E from infancy through late adolescence. 151 pp. 8 CE credits. Cost with book: $70.00. Cost of test only: $45.00. CHILD CUSTODY LITIGATION. Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse. Kathryn Kuehnle & Leslie Drozd (2005). The Haworth Press. This is an invaluable resource for forensic mental health professionals involved with conducting custody evaluations in family court proceedings. Each of the book's five chapters reviews an important component of the evaluation process when allegations of child sexual abuse have been made, moving beyond the description of each parent's psychological functioning and parenting capacity, the identity and needs of the child, and the parent's ability to meet those needs. 145 pp. 7 CE credits. Cost with book: $65.00. Cost of test only: $40.00. REBUILDING ATTACHMENTS WITH TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN: Healing from Losses, Violence, Abuse, and Neglect. Richard Kagan (2004). The Haworth Press. This is a therapeutic guide to helping troubled children move beyond the traumatic experiences that haunt them. The book presents critical information of how to understand the impact of loss, neglect, separation, and violence on children's development, how to discover and foster strengths in children and their families, and how to build enduring connections and hope with children who are at risk of harm to themselves and others. 374 pp. 14 CE credits. Cost with book: $90.00. Cost of test only: $75.00. RACE MATTERS: The Over-representation of African American Children in the System. Dennette Derezotes (Ed.) 2005. The Haworth Press. Although African Americans constituted 15% of the child population in the US in 1999, they accounted for 45% of the children in substitute care. In contrast, white children, who constituted 60% of the US population, accounted for only 36% of the children in out-of-home care. In addition, several studies show that children of different ethnic or racial backgrounds receive dissimilar treatment by the child welfare system. This compilation of papers critically examines child welfare policy and practice, the causes of child maltreatment, and how each affects the disproportionate representation of African American children in the system. 241 pp. 10 CE credits. Cost with book: $85.00. Cost of test only: $70.00. CHILD TRAUMA HANDBOOK: A Guide for Helping Trauma-Exposed Children and Adolescents. Ricky Greenwald. 2005. The Haworth Press. The Child Trauma Handbook is a comprehensive plain-language guide to the treatment of trauma-exposed children and adolescents and those with trauma or loss-related issues. This no-nonsense manual helps the reader understand how and why kids' behaviors can be related to their history of trauma while teaching practical hands-on clinical skills and interventions. It has been deemed a powerful learning experience for the reader that blends evidence-based interventions in a child-centered manner. 326 pp. 15 CE credits. Cost with book: $85.00. Cost of test only: $75.00.
TO ORDER BY MAIL OR FAX 1. Write down your name/degree/shipping address/city/state/zip/phone number 2. Specify payment (Check, Credit Card, Money Order). Shipping is 10% of book total (If book costs $150.00, your total, with shipping, is $165.00). There are no shipping costs if you are only ordering the test. If you are paying by credit card [We accept VISA/MC/Discover], please provide: a) name on card; b) billing address; c) card number; d) 3-digit code from the back. 3. Mail to: Christopher J. Alexander, Ph.D. * 2320 Grande Blvd, SE, Suite C * Rio Rancho, New Mexico * 87124
4. If sending a fax, send the above to: 505-890-5414 5. Please note that books cannot be shipped to PO Boxes 6. Do you have other questions? Phone: 505-898-1117 MST; email: alexanderphd@msn.com
EDITORIAL BOARD Christopher J. Alexander, Ph.D. Ron Goldsmith, LPCC John Kutinac, LPCC David M. Lyman, MD Nichoe Lichen, LISW Jill Ryan, Ph.D. Denise Wagner, LCSW
For our Home Study Program, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Counselors are able to receive Continuing Education credit for their State Licensing Boards by reading books or articles and answering a few test questions. Dr. Alexander is approved by the American Psychological Association, the National Board for Certified Counselors, and the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board to offer Continuing Education credit for live and home-study courses. We currently have arrangements with The Child Welfare League Press, Jason Aronson Publishers, and The Haworth Press to include their publications in this program. Other publishers will be added along the way! 505-898-1117 *** alexanderphd@msn.com *** 2320 Grande Blvd. SE, Suite C *** Rio Rancho, New Mexico *** 87124 ![]() Christopher J. Alexander, Ph.D. & Associates is approved by the American Psychological Association, the National Board for Certified Counselors, and the New Mexico Therapy and Counseling Board as an approved continuing education provider.
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